People for horses

We love horses


There is very little theory out there about why we love horses, To many passionate riders, the words love, hope, and dreams are synonymous with horses.

People for Horses – is a charitable nonprofit organization committed to the well-being of horses. We believe that horses and humans have a unique partnership. Whether working horses, equine athletes, or just companions, horses contribute to our lives, cultures, and economies. This partnership is right so long as we take full responsibility for their welfare.

Working horses still play a wide role in rural economies with statistics of more than a million horses providing livelihood to many families. But major welfare issues often arise due to a lack of access to veterinary care and extremely challenging work environments.

The poor condition of the roads they travel, the heavy burdens they bear or pull, and the makeshift harnesses and carriages – combined with inadequate feed and medical attention – contribute to a life of misery for many horses around us.

They may suffer from parasites, sores, dehydration, arthritis, or serious injuries.

Our Mission- Our mission is to work with horses, horse owners, communities, organizations, and governments to help improve welfare standards and stamp out suffering. People for Horses aims to offer a safe haven for those horses that are left to fend for themselves or have not been looked after well. We are also working towards creating a safe setting by the edification of the individuals who own and work with these animals.

Contact us at to know how to help and contribute
